0203 4884389

At Phoenix Education Consultancy, we help educational institutions and industry professionals personalise their delivery of the national curriculum and encapsulate a culture of individuality, belonging and well being in every classroom in the UK and beyond. We utilise our teaching experiences, our expertise and passion for a better education for all to deliver training, coaching and consultancy programmes that are detailed below. We celebrate the standards empower and achieve with our RISE accreditation programme which celebrates excellence in the development of life rather than an isolated indication of learning.



Our behaviour programme helps teachers to better interpret and understand the messages children share when they behave in a challenging or disruptive manner. The programme is beneficial for schools that are struggling with vulnerable children and pupils presenting complex needs and requirements. The programme helps to reduce incidents of violence, disruption, isolated working, suspension and exclusion and supports the RISE accreditation for mainstream schools.
The programme is delivered through 4 days on site, 2 days training and an additional 4 days of planning and support.
Our well being programme is designed to create learning environments that better support the physical and mental health needs of children and young people. Whether it's managing stress associated with exams or encouraging regular movement, our programme helps to design, implement and monitor programmes and initiatives that transform the classrooms we teach in. The programme is designed to improve the physical and mental well being of pupils and in turn, improve education engagement and attainment. The programme reduces absenteeism, disengagement and the onset of stress and related mental illness. It is delivered through two days on site, two days training and two days of additional planning and support.
As providers of education, we are responsible for the opportunities and outcomes we are able to create for our pupils rather than simply the examination results we help them achieve. With both the world of work and the nature of further education changing, our opportunities programme is designed to improve long term student outcomes by inspiring careers, reducing crime, encouraging further education and inspiring ambition by instilling confidence and self belief. The training programme is delivered through 2 days on site observations, 1 day of interactive experiences for pupils, 2 days teacher training and 4 further days of planning and support.


It is virtually impossible to confirm whether or not something is fit for purpose when there is a lack of clarity around what that purpose is. Change and evolution within the education system and society as a whole has made our ultimate ambition uncertain and unclear. Whilst OFSTED inspects our ability to deliver a core curriculum, our contribution to children's lives as coaches, carers and influencers is currently neither measured or regulated. The RISE accreditation inspects and inspires the standards of life learning and the many components of school that simply can not be measured by exams.
Our RISE accreditation programme is tailored for mainstream schools, alternative provisions and further education.
The process begins with a 2 day onsite audit and the delivery of a report, indicating your current achievement and recommending the opportunities and improvements you can make.
Our consultants are available to implement improvements and train your staff members so that standards of behaviour, well being and opportunity rise within your institution.


We have provided consultancy services for organisations and institutions including London Borough of Redbridge, Birmingham City Council, Department of Education, Skylark Partnership, Action for ME, and Literacy Trust. Our expertise focuses on supporting behaviour, improving well being and inspiring opportunities.
We deliver training to a variety of teachers and education professionals in both mainstream and alternative settings to provide understanding, practical resources and leadership strategies for the support of behaviour, the improvement of well being and the facilitation of improved pupil opportunities. We have delivered training for a variety of organisations and at prestigious industry events including ResearchEd, Edfest and PRUsAP conference.
We have been invited to share our expertise and experiences or represent alternative provisions and vulnerable children at a number of events including Downing Street's Serious youth violence summit, Westminster Insight, NASEN and a variety of BrewEd events. We are happy to facilitate, lead or contribute to events that are relevant to our expertise.