0203 4884389

There are thousands of children living in crisis; whether its violence, attainment, mental health, poverty or addictions, we have failed a generation and they will in turn fail our society unless we create significant, sustainable interventions, today.
Phoenix Education Consultancy operates to improve the lives of all children by supporting parents, teachers and policy makers in the delivery of their academic education, social development and mental maturity. We utilise decades of experience, latest technologies and industry insights to provide thought leadership, best practice and practical training to all those that influence a child’s education.

Pioneering an embracive approach to education in order to improve mental health of children and young people;
to better understand behaviours and improve lifetime attainment and opportunity.
Ofsted regulations state that a sufficiently disciplined environment is a prerequisite to any learning taking place. Guidelines go on to say that when behaviour is not manage effectively nothing much will be learned and as such, it is priority for Ofsted to increase the profile of behaviour throughout the education system.
As we strive to better understand the behaviour of children and young people, it is important that we recognise it as our innate form of communication and one that is often relied on by the most vulnerable children when words fail them.
To improve behaviour, we must recognise that it is something we must understand and support rather than manage or control. As educators, it is our responsibility to understand the unfulfilled needs that cause children to display challenging and disruptive behaviour and, wherever possible, help meet these needs through the process of education.
An increasing wealth of empirical data and research confirms the causal relationship that exists between wellbeing and learning.
A recent research review conducted by the department of education confirms that children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social, and school wellbeing, on average, have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school. With the prevalence of childhood mental health issues on the rise, understanding and supporting the mental well being of our pupils is essential.
To support the mental well being of our pupils, we must first recognise that each of them are unique and will have individual learning needs and preferences. We must understand that as educators, our role is simply to do no harm to the pupils we serve by minimising the impact of stress, anxiety, discomfort and distress. We must also commit to creating a culture of kindness, collaboration and cooperation in order to support, nurture and nourish the young lives we are responsible for moulding.
Our role as educators is not simply to educate but to prepare our pupils for their future. We can increase and improve the opportunities available to our pupils by creating awareness, instilling confidence, self belief, and skills that can be transferred into the workplace.
Developing opportunities for young people isn’t simply about identifying academic success or specific areas of achievement but is instead about enabling a process of self discovery, contextual understanding and achievable ambition that allows for confident development and growth.
To increase and improve opportunities for our pupils, we must instil confidence, independence and resilience in our pupils whilst delivering and diversifying our curriculum and additional learning in a way that creates ambition and inspires achievement within our classrooms and throughout a child’s life.

Whatever the setting and whomever the learner, Phoenix Education Consultancy facilitate improved educational experiences and outcomes. We do this by recognising the individual needs and requirements of each pupil; by proactively understanding that achievement is different for every pupil and by focusing on experiencing education rather than simply excelling in exams.
Our approach means that we create mentally healthier classrooms with cultures that breed confidence, kindness and self acceptance. It means we understand and support our pupils, and encourage and include them rather than punish and isolate.
In practical terms it means we support the mental health of children and young people, transform challenging behaviours, reduce exclusions, improve engagement and foster a sense of belonging in mainstream, PRUs and AP classrooms.
We are surrounded by stories and statistics that show our current standards of educational excellence are failing many of the pupils we serve and there is a wealth of research and literature that supports the notion of changing the way we set standards of excellence rather than simply increasing the levels of attainment we demand from educational institutions.
The Phoenix standard of excellence encourages all educational institutions to appreciate individuality, support challenging behaviours, promote mental wellness and embrace all we learn through learning rather than what we are able to display in exam settings.
We encourage educational institutions to rise to a new standard that embraces all aspects of education, encourages diversity in attainment and celebrates achievements in all their unique forms.

“Sarah is totally committed to meeting the needs of our most vulnerable children. She is highly skilled in identifying needs and recommending the provision required to address them. I thoroughly recommend her to any setting that is currently finding it a challenge to make the required provision for vulnerable and marginalised young people.”

"Her educated views, awareness of new developments and her openness in sharing to those of us who need it to develop our own practice are much appreciated across the specialised sector. On a personal level, it has opened my eyes to many issues nationwide and within my local authority"
Within mainstream primary and secondary school environments, the RISE accreditation identifies organisations that develop, support and embrace the unique minds of the pupils they serve. RISE accredited schools will show a continual commitment to the mental well being of their pupils; an understanding of neurodiversity and a supportive approach to challenging behaviours. RISE schools will make reasonable adjustments for every pupil so that each young person is able to personalise their learning experience and create a unique foundation for their future. RISE schools are proud of academic success but also celebrate alternative achievements, holding them in equal regard.

As an institution, we must realise that not all pupils will have the same interests and the same opportunities to demonstrate attainment and achievement. As teachers, it is important for us to realise that education is so much more than a core curriculum and the qualifications we walk away with; and as a society we must realise that an alternative education is an equal one and should be held in the same regard and lead to the same standard of opportunity as mainstream learning
RISE accredited alternative provisions utilise the embracive education framework to ensure pupils are able to experience and benefit from the social, emotional and developmental components of education rather than simply experiencing academic achievement. RISE accredited provisions recognise that the most vulnerable and challenging children require more support, more encouragement and more opportunity rather than being punished with less. RISE accredited alternative provisions believe in each of their pupils and hold them in the same regard as pupils that are able to thrive in mainstream environments.
Phoenix Education is pioneering an embracive approach to education in order to improve mental health of children and young people; to better understand behaviours and improve lifetime attainment and opportunity.
We aim to lead change through a process of regeneration rather than redesign and in the process evolve the education system without failing, neglecting or forgetting any of the many pupils it serves. We work to support and empower children and their parents to better communicate, address and overcome the challenges they experience with their behaviour, their mental health and their experiences of learning. We work to help society better understand challenging children and perceive alternative education as, equal.

With approximately 2.3million young people going to university, our commitment to new standards of education excellence can not end when children complete their compulsory education. In 2018, a university student took their own life every 4 days and indicates the sacrifices we cause students to make as they strive towards academic achievement.
RISE accredited universities recognise the changes, pressures and stressors students experience as they learn. RISE accredited universities support students by facilitating the practice of self care, by creating conversations around mental health and by developing a culture of compassion, maturity and emotional intelligence. RISE accredited universities offer opportunities to students and recognise them as young, often vulnerable people rather than academically motivated adults. RISE accredited universities continue the wrap around care young people have received and where appropriate, collaborate with friends and family of students to safeguard their mental wellbeing whenever required.

"Sarah has a wealth of knowledge related to current education practice and was a valuable resource in ensuring all of the information required from us from local government was current and in line with relevant legislation. Highly recommend her consultancy services and will be using again!”

"Sarah is a real driving force behind the PRU/AP sector and is ensuring the people far and wide are becoming more aware of the struggles many children face through no fault of their own, and, more importantly, what we can do to help them get the education they deserve and prepare them for life thereafter”
At Phoenix Education Consultancy, we are honoured to be invited to comment on a variety of society wide issues. Where possible, we pride ourselves in collaborating with relevant associates to understand and share the most appropriate solutions to the problems that we as an industry, a sector and a society as a whole most look to overcome.
There are many occasions in which education professionals are only able to provide part of a solution and working with others with clarity, co-operation and adhesion is essential if we are to advance the lives of children and young people rather than simply improving their ability to learn a curriculum.
Below are reports, reviews and solutions that explore problems we face as a society and proposed solutions for improvement.
